Emulsion Breaker-Paraffin Solvent Combination

Product Informationparaffin solvents

Why an emulsion breaker-paraffin solvent combination?
We often find we need to not only treat an emulsion, but also paraffin.  These products are varying combinations of our individual emulsion breakers and paraffin solvents.  There is no more cost effective method for treating a multi-faceted problem than with a combination product.

Why choose Foamtech?
Our experience is it is much simpler to treat with one combination product rather than two individual products.  In addition, we find many times the combination is synergistic; the combination works better than either product alone.  This is not only more practical, it is much more economical.  Cost savings include a single product rather than two (or more), fewer pumps, valves and other hardware.

It is our intention to partner with you to maximize your well’s production by not only selecting the correct chemical product, but also working with you to keep it stocked and pumping at the correct rate.  Our chemical program will decrease the pumper’s workload, decrease the difficulty in readying oil for sale, decrease or eliminate rejection from oil haulers and increase your overall profitability.

How are these emulsion breaker-paraffin solvent combinations available?
Depending upon the determined dose, we suggest a quantity sufficient to last several months.  Your sales representative will discuss these options with you.

What is the next step?
Contact your sales representative.  Following analysis of a field sample, you will receive an action plan including specific product information, injection rate and cost.  If you are not already working with a sales representative, please click here to go to our contact form.


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